Here is the list of statistics currently available through the Pearl and Gold services; we continue to add more regularly.
- Age
- Education
- Ethnicity
- Family size
- Gender
- Health
- Household composition
- Household deprivation
- Household income - Gross weekly
- Household income - Net weekly
- Household income - Net weekly after housing costs
- Household income - Net weekly before housing costs
- Household number of cars or vans
- Household number of people
- Living arrangement
- Political party
- Religion
- UK residency
- Broadband - Average speed
- Broadband - Lines under 2 Mbps
- Broadband - Maximum speed
- Broadband - Next generation access (24 Mbps+)
- House average value
- Household type
- Household number of bedrooms
- Distance travelled to work
- Employment - type
- Employment industry
- Hours worked
- Method of commute
- Occupation
- Geographic classification
- Geographic sub-classification